A very warm welcome to the Currie Community High School website. I feel very honoured indeed to be leading such a wonderful school community as Head Teacher. 2024 is going to be a very exciting year indeed as we prepare for moving into our new school in early 2025. We have so much to look forward to with exciting changes to our curriculum and preparation for learning in new ways in a state of the art building. As the first Passivhaus Secondary School in Scotland we celebrate our commitment to learning for sustainability and delivering a curriculum that will enable the young people of Currie to thrive and achieve their full potential.
For us this means our curriculum must have a broad general element to it and a better balance between the traditional academic subjects with increasing vocational opportunities. There will continue to be a strong emphasis on skills development which helps young people to apply their learning in new situations, be drivers of their own learning bus, demonstrate innovation, curiosity and imagination and where learning to learn is of particular importance.
We are currently preparing young people for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t been invented, in order to solve problems. Young people need to be able to adapt, demonstrate flexibility with resilience at the core of an ever changing landscape around them. There will continue to be opportunities for young people to discover, research, initiate and investigate for themselves. Emphasis will be on enhancing the learner experience through exciting use of new versatile spaces within learning plazas, break out areas and classroom settings, all fit for purpose to enable learning to take place in a variety of ways. We very much look forward to working with the entire school community so that our brand new learning and community campus benefits the Currie generations for years to come.
Here at Currie Community High School, we strive for excellence in all we do by offering a wide range of courses in the Broad General Education through to Senior Phase and an amazing range of wider achievement opportunities also.
We pride ourselves on being inclusive through a strong well embedded positive culture and ethos that permeates across the school community. We are strongly committed to Anti Racism practice and our school is one where diversity is widely celebrated. We have a heavy focus currently on how we continue to promote Equalities practice in our school. Everyone matters in our school, everyone is valued, and everyone has the chance to experience success. The purpose of this web site is to give you information about our school and we hope you find it helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact us at the school at admin@currie.edin.sch.uk if you wish to find out more about the school or to provide any feedback on any aspects of our work. Good communication is important to us as a school and relationships with parents/carers and the wider community essential to the continuing success of our school.
Mrs Jennifer Hutchison
Head Teacher