Today we found that the time had come to consider the management of our perimeter woodland planting. Twenty years ago Roley Walton had a dream to plant a corridor of trees and shrubs, linking our Curriehill Woodland Strip (now Roley’s Wood) with lines of trees west of the school. This would make a wildlife corridor providing wider breeding, feeding and spacial possibilities for our woodland flora and fauna. Ten years ago, Millennium Forest Scotland and Fiona McLean in Biology made the dream a reality! Ten years on the trees have grown to the stage of needing thinning and general management. Some of the older trees (isolated individuals aged 30 or 40 years) growing behind the younger trees are now causing neighbours some difficulties! Rachel Avery planned a meeting for today to address this issue with Ross Woodside (Lothian and Fife Green Network Partnership). The partnership has provided Rachel with a management plan and the promise of a small amount of practical help.
‘Tree fellers’ were walking in a wood…
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