Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI)

The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) is an international programme that aims to develop the community leaders of the future. Participants are given a hands-on experience of philanthropy that provides them with the skills and awareness to make a positive difference to their communities.
Pupils work in small groups to research the needs of their local community and identify the grassroots social service charity they believe is best placed to make a positive contribution. They then learn how to analyse the charity’s management, budget, strategy and staffing arrangements. Pupils visit and build relations with representatives from their chosen charity and, following skills training in advocacy and public speaking, present on the reasons their proposed charity is most deserving of support. The group judged to have made the best presentation in each school is granted £3,000 to award to their charity. During this process, pupils develop teamwork, communication and presentation skills as well as the technical skills needed for effective giving.The CCHS finals will take place on Thursday 11th October at 7pm in the LRC.

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