We are Currie’s GSA, Gender Sexuality Alliance. Here we hope to provide resources for LGBTI+ young people and their parents, carers and peers. Along with information on the services available.
Our job as a GSA is to improve the treatment and experiences of LGBTI+ young people in our school. We hope to do this by increasing visibility for LGBTI+ issues through running campaigns and providing information and education to the best of our ability. We are currently working towards a bronze award of LGBT Youth Scotland’s Charter.
LGBT Youth Scotland
Offers textlines, helplines and youth groups for LGBTI+ young people, information on coming out.
Scottish Transgender Alliance
Extensive information for transgender and intersex individuals.
Stonewall Scotland
Information on campaigns, information and guidance on coming out.
Equality Network
Scotland’s LGBTI+ equality and human rights charity. Information on your rights.
Parents Enquiry Scotland
Information and support for parents and carers of LGBTI+ young people, helplines and email services for parents and carers. Along with information on coming out to parents and carers for young people.
LGBT Health and Wellbeing
A community initiative working for improved health and wellbeing of LGBTI+ people. Hotline, events and support for LGBTI+ young people and their families.