
Scotland has a strong tradition of excellence and innovation in technological research. This is especially true in areas such as engineering, electronics, optoelectronics, biomedical research, genomics and cell engineering. Scotland’s people need to be skilled in technologies and to be aware of the impact of technologies on society and the environment, now and in the future. Learning in the technologies provides a strong foundation for the development of skills and knowledge which are, and will continue to be, essential in maintaining Scotland’s economic prosperity. The Technologies faculty provides learning experiences and outcome across Business Education, Computing Science and DET (Design, Engineering & Technologies).

Technologies Courses

YearBusiness EducationComputing ScienceDET
S1Business Education
(1 lesson a week)

Digital Literacy
(2 lesson a week over 5 weeks)
Computing Science
(1 lesson a week)
Design, Engineering, Technology
(1 lesson a week)

DET Experience
(1 lesson a week over 5 weeks)
S2Business Education
(1 lesson a week)

Digital Literacy
(2 lesson a week over 5 weeks)
Computing Science
(1 lesson a week)
Design, Engineering, Technology
(1 lesson a week)

DET Experience
(2 lesson a week over 5 weeks)
S3Business Management

Digital Literacy
(1 lesson a week over 5 weeks)
Computing SciencePractical Woodworking
Graphic Communication
Engineering Science
Design & Manufacture
S4Level 4/5: Business ManagementLevel 4/5: Computing ScienceLevel 4/5: Practical Woodworking
Level 4/5: Graphic Communication
Level 4/5: Engineering Science
S5/6Level 4/5/6/7: Business Management
Level 6: Accounting
Level 6: Economics
Level 6: Enterprise & Business
Level 4/5/6: Computing Science
Level 4/5: Games Development
Level 4/5: Practical Woodworking
Level 4/5/6: Graphic Communication
Level 5/6: Engineering Science

Click here for access to NPFS – Nationals in a Nutshell for Level 5 and Level 6.

Progression Pathways

Links for Learning

Technologies Staff

Business EducationComputing ScienceDET
Ms V Matthewson
Mrs C Cooper
Ms J Bridges
Mr J Schmidt
(Curriculum Leader)
Ms A Blair
Mrs C Cooper
Ms J Bridges
Mr M Christie
Mr M Tough
Mr P Lee