
Update: 07 November 2022

The enabling works have begun for our new Currie Community High School. Today the contractor, Keir Construction, held a virtual assembly with all our students. It is very exciting all of the work has begun, and we look forward to each new step we take toward our new school.

You can click here to find more information about health and safety during the construction period.

Update: 27 June 2022

Enabling works are going to begin on our new school over the Summer holidays, from around mid-July to early August. Please click here for more information

Update: 02 June 2022

Our new 3G Pitch is ready for use. We held our milestone launch event yesterday (01.06.22) and it was a massive success. Click on the link below to watch a video on our journey to where we are today, ready for the next stage.

3G Pitch Journey

Update: 25 March 2022

Our new 3G Pitch is having its surface starting to be laid. Below are some pictures of the process starting.

You can also click here to see the journey the new 3G Pitch has gone through to date.

If you have any questions please email admin@currie.edin.sch.uk

Update:17 March 2022

We are very pleased to say that the new Currie Community High School has passed City of Edinburgh Planning Permission, we are a go … Below is a 3D image (from Architype – the Architects) for the front entrance to the school …

Click the link for the press release: LATEST NEWS: Green light for one of Scotland’s most energy efficient high schools (prgloo.com)

Click here to view the Edinburgh Live Article on the new school’s development …

If you have any questions please email admin@currie.edin.sch.uk

Update: 10 March 2022

Our new 3G Pitch is well under construction. Below are some pictures of where we are at the moment.

You can also click here to see the journey the new 3G Pitch has gone through to date.

If you have any questions please email admin@currie.edin.sch.uk

Progress Update on 3G Pitch (please see timelines in the 11 October update)

Below are pictures of the process. More pictures will be added throughout construction.

Update: 11 October 2021

Our new 3G Pitch will start construction soon. Please click here to access a letter that is being letter-box dropped over the coming weeks. Some additional details are below:

  • 18 October 2021: fencing will be erected around the grass area for the pitch and workers yard
  • 19 October 2021: an archaeological mapping and dig will take place for a maximum of 2 weeks
  • 1 November 2021: construction of the 3G Pitch will begin
  • Mid-March 2022: construction is due to be completed in advance of the new school construction starting

If you have any questions please email admin@currie.edin.sch.uk

Update: 30 September 2021

  • City of Edinburgh was nominated and won the AJ100 for Client of the Year, with the new Currie Community High School playing key role in this success. Click here to see the Article
  • On Edinburgh Live, showcased the New Currie Community High School for its new and improved sporting facilities, such as 3G Pitch, Swimming Pool, along with some incredible views. Click here to see the Article
  • On Net Zero Edinburgh, the PassivHaus Currie Community High School (first secondary in Scotland), is featured as a strategy to facilitate the City of Edinburgh Councils climate targets
  • For the last couple of months, we have been working towards an inclusive toilet strategy for our new school. Please click here to see a letter outlining our actions in moving this forward. This decision was made in consultation with parent representatives and students, along with wider networks and looking at other new schools.

Newsletter: 25 June 2021

Developments for the new school have been continuing throughout the term. Below is a newsletter update that provides a summary of how developments have been going.

June 2021 Newsletter

Update: 1 June 2021

The public consultation has concluded for the new school. The link below will take you to responses to public consultation questions.

Public Consultation Responses

Update: 30 April 2021

The consultation on the new Currie Community High School is currently open and can be accessed from the link below. The consultation closes on 21 May 2021.

Currie Community High School redevelopment

Update: 5 February 2021

Developments for the new school have been progressing and below I am fortunate to share with you the Learning Zone Brief, Current Building Plans and Current Landscape Plans.

Learning Zones Brief

Landscape Designs

Building Designs

Wave4Schools website has more information on the Currie Community High School redevelopment. These plans may be subject to change.

Newsletter Updates