Process for Students to follow if they become ill/injured during the school day.
- Any pupil that feels unwell/injured during the school day should speak to a member of school staff in the first instance and they will, where appropriate send them to the Welfare Room. Pupils should not be calling or texting home during class time or between classes (unless it is break-time or lunchtime) as per school policy.
- If a pupil feels unwell/injured during break or lunch they should go to the Welfare Room, they do not have to wait on the bell for the end of break or lunch.
- The Pupil Support Assistant in the Welfare Room is a qualified First Aider and will assess a pupil and call a parent/carer where appropriate. Please ensure all parent/carer contact details are kept up to date at all times in case of emergencies.
- Any ill or injured pupil under 16 years old will require a parent/carer to collect them from school. Pupils aged 16 and over will need parental/carer permission to go home without being collected, although there may be instances where you could be asked to collect your child if they feel dizzy etc. This policy is in place to ensure pupils remain safe at all times.
- It is extremely important that no pupil who is ill/injured leaves the school without having followed this process. This is for two reasons –
- If an illness were to rapidly get worse the safety of the pupil would be at risk.
- If an emergency situation were to happen at school such as a fire alarm, and attendance records show a pupil is in school but not part of the school evacuation they will be deemed as still being in the building. In this circumstance the emergency services may enter a dangerous situation to look for the pupil and put themselves in danger for no reason.
Pupil Medication – Quick Overview for Parents
Here is an overview of the procedure to follow regarding pupil medication at Currie Community High School.
- At the beginning of each school year (August) parents are required to provide the school with the appropriate medical forms and if necessary, the medication a pupil may need during the school day. This should be treated as a high priority for pupils with conditions such as diabetes, asthma, allergies, and epilepsy. Forms can be found on the school website if you search for Welfare Room.
- No medication of any kind should be taken in school or administered by high school staff without a parental request form being completed and signed by a parent/carer. This includes non-prescribed medication such as paracetamol. We will accept electronic copies as long as they are sent by the parent/carers email address we have on record for the pupil.
- Prescribed medication for pupils must be supplied to the school by a parent/carer, in the dispensing container with the original pharmacy label detailing the pupil’s name, date of birth, etc.
- Any change to medication type or dose requires a new form to be completed and signed by parent/carer. This must be returned to the school before it can be taken or given at school.
- Medication held and administered at school may need replenished. When this is the case the Welfare PSA will contact the parent/carer via email or telephone to request more medication. Please provide this as soon as possible so that pupils do not miss having their medication administered.
- Pupils who want to and are able to self-administer medication may do so only with a parents’/carers’ and the school’s permission. A form must be completed and signed before self-administration is undertaken at school. Please be aware this includes paracetamol.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Welfare PSA at the school.
Medical Forms
- If you would like a student to carry and self administer prescribed and non prescribed medication please complete and return this form to the Welfare room Form_5_Medication carried and self-administered by a pupil.
- If you would like the school to look after and administer Non-prescribed medication please complete and return this form to the Welfare room Form_1_Request for school to issue non-prescribed medication in school
- If you would like the school to look after and administer Short Term prescribed medication please please complete and return this form to the Welfare room Form_2 Request for school to issue short-term prescribed medication in school
- If you would like the school to look after and administer Long Term prescribed medication given on a regular basis please complete and return this form to the Welfare room Form_3_Request for school to issue long-term prescribed medication in school
- If you would like the school to look after and administer Long Term as required prescribed medication please complete and return this form to the Welfare room Form 4 Request for school to issue long-term ‘as required’ prescribed medication in school
- If a student has one of the following conditions (or any other conditions) AND they see a specialist at the hospital a Healthcare Plan may be required. Please make the school aware as soon as possible and speak to the Specialist asking them to liaise with the school. Click below for for forms below
- Diabetes forms
- Asthma Form
- Allergies
- Epilepsy
- Eczema
- Cystic Fibrosis
Medical Forms
- To be used for pupils who carry and self administer prescribed and non prescribed medication Medication carried and self administered by pupil – please complete and pass to the Welfare Room.
- Non prescribed medication to be held by the school complete this form appendix_3-non-prescribed-medication-form
- Short Term prescribed medication to be held and administered by the school please complete this form appendix_4-school-to-issue-st-prescribed-meds
- Long term prescribed medication to be held and administered by the school – given regularly
- Long term prescribed medication to be held and administered by the school on an as required basis appendix_6-school-to-issue-lt-as-reqd-prescribed-meds
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions or queries regarding the above.