Category Archives: support for pupils
Primary 7 Information Evening (18.06.24)
Click here to download a copy of the above Presentation.
How to Stay Calm in a Global Pandemic
Virtual Open Evening
Welcome to Currie Community High School’s Virtual Open Evening. Please read the letter below and to give you access to the Virtual Evening.
Phased Return to School
Parents/carers and students, below is important information on your return or start at Currie Community High School FAQ – Parents and Carers 10.8.20 HT communication Phased Return 5.8.20 final HT communication to Parents and Carers 7.8.20 HT communication 11.8.20
Free Career Learning@Home Workshops
Even during school closure, it is still important to consider and work towards your chosen career path and develop your employability skills. If you are leaving or plan to leave school in Summer 2020, some FREE Careers Learning@Home courses has … Continue reading
‘To the Students’ Selfies
‘To the Students’ Selfies Dear Students of Currie Community High School, Here are some messages from your teachers, who hope you are well and really miss you!
Parent and Carer Support and Information Sessions on Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Issues
Parent and Carer Support and Information Sessions on Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Issues Here is some information about the next Information and Support Sessions for Parents and Carers who wish more information or are concerned about their pre teen … Continue reading
ENABLE anti-bullying Programme
This year Currie High school is taking part in the ENABLE (European Network against Bullying in Learning and Leisure Environments) project. ENABLE is a two year anti-bullying project, taking place in five countries (Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Greece and the UK). … Continue reading
College applications
All students hoping to apply to college (full time) starting August 2016 should apply ASAP and preferably before the Easter holidays. Students have been given the opportunity to attend College Application Workshops with Ruth Addo (Skills Dev. Scotland) and Mrs Paterson … Continue reading
S5 students – Leaps
LEAPS aims to promote social inclusion and equality of opportunity by facilitating increased participation and success in higher education of young people whose ability to choose higher education as a post-school option and/or to demonstrate or realise their potential may … Continue reading